Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Week 4

Mimi  (Left) Blue and Orange-Vellum, fabric, net. Bibi (Right) Ancient Secret of a Bird- Pencil on photograph

Blue and Orange, detail

Mimi:    Blue and Orange
I began working thinking – blue and orange, circle, sewing, net. Creating the piece went quickly, easily.  I questioned  that and thought - I should have used the full hour.  But then I realized the amount of time doesn't matter.

Bibi:    Ancient Secret of a Bird
Ancient Secret, detail
I had the need to draw, but what?  I had a photo I took in Japan, that didn’t print properly, and I made lines from it onto another piece of paper that flowed down.  They reminded me of cables that were perhaps connecting me to Mimi and to the universe.  I decided I would draw a bird and opened my animal book randomly to a Secretary Bird, which I put under the other photo.

I spoke to Mimi before my piece was done and she said she used all blue and orange in hers.  I was thinking perhaps there was no connection this time.  It wasn’t until the next morning when I realized I had had on blue and orange undergarments that day. I remembered thinking when I got dressed- no one will know they don’t match.   When I told her this, Mimi laughed, and blurted out –except me, I know your secret!

           Ancient Secret of a Bird  Bibiana Huang Matheis
                      To Draw -

                      Secretary Bird


                      Like a secretary taking notes

                      Time -

                      Is not matter


                      Is entrusted


                      Is a way of modern life

                      Keeper of the time

                      Keeper of the bird

                      Take your time

                      To Draw

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